This Blog’s On Fire Award

In the midst of all the madness I have going on with this book I got the awesome surprise of receiving this award from my girl Michelle of Radiant Brown Beauty!  I want to thank her not only for this award but for regularly stopping by here and chatting with me.  It really means a lot!

With this award I am to share 7 totally random things about me so here it goes:

1.  I love, love, LOVE the Dr. Phil show.  I watch him on OWN every single morning before work.

2.  I am such a Trekkie.  I love when BBC has reruns of Next Generation and I also have all of the original Star Trek movies.  Wrath of Khan was my fav!

3.  Growing up I’ve always been super shy and it took a lot of practice for me to be able to talk to people I don’t know.  It still shows up every know again so it’s still a work in progress

4.  I was 21 the first time I ever went to Disney World and I had a blast!  I love that’s it’s perfectly okay to get excited like a five year old.

5.  Ever since I got married, I get super emotional at other people’s weddings. Mind you, I barely cried at my own but man when I see other people taking those vows, I’m a big pile of mush!

6.  I have an older brother who I absolutely adore serving in our US Army overseas.  I thank God everyday that he’s made it through his recent tour in Afghanistan and praying he doesn’t have to go back there.

7.  I’m not the biggest fan of cooking which is awesome because I have a husband who is like my own Bobby Flay!  When I was younger I always said that I had to marry a man who can cook and thank goodness your girl lucked out!

The second part of this award is nominate 10 people so here we go!

  1. Sprinkle in Springs
  2. Kirstin Marie
  3. Best of Palm Beach Consignment
  4. Socialite Dreams
  5. Stylish Thought
  6. Fashion Tales
  7. Those Graces
  8. Made to Travel
  9. By Anika
  10. The Citizen Rosebud

Make sure you check this ladies out! They are super awesome!

And a quick thank you to you all for bearing with me this past two weeks.  My posting has been a little sporadic.  My fingers are crossed that this book can get edited and published by early next month and I can concentrate on the big things I have planned for the blog. 🙂


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