Friend Friday: We’re Talking Fall Trends

Happy Friday!!

This weekend couldn’t come fast enough!  It has been a really hectic (read frustrating) week for me but enough about that.  It’s Friday and it’s September, which I deemed officially Fall for me.  In FL there isn’t too much season change when it comes to the weather so that in itself is a good reason to start celebrating a little early!  Today, it’s all about Fall trends and here are the top five that I plan on rocking this season.

Fall Fashion 2011 Polka Dot Trend

Photo courtesy of:

Polka Dots

Who knew that I would be into this trend?  A few years ago, you couldn’t pay me to wear polka dots!  I must admit that this type of print has come a long way.  From shift dresses to sheer blouses, I’m loving the modern twists that designers have put on this classic.  Just yesterday I found this gorgeous polka dot blouse from the Avenue at a local Goodwill store (not bad for a first timer huh?)

Colored Pumps

Photo courtesy of DSW

Color Blocking

It looks like this trend is going to stick around a little bit longer, which is awesome because I have yet rock this kind of look!  I love that bright colors are still in, with richer and thicker fabrics making them Fall ready.  With this trend though, I have to take baby steps, so I see myself getting shift dress that’s already color-blocked for me or taking the trend with my shoes, like these lovely pairs from DSW.  (That leopard one is gorgeous!!)

Maxi Skirt

Photo courtesy of Victoria Secret

Maxi Skirt

The awesome thing about maxi skirts is how super comfortable they are.This was another trend that I wasn’t too crazy about back in the day but now that my fashion eyes are fully open I can style this one a lot better!  To make sure that I don’t look like I’m wearing a tent, I have to make sure that is tailored to fit these hips.  I love how this one is layered with the cardigan, using the belt the define the waist (my “girls” and my belly can appreciate that!)

Tom Ford Women's Tuxedo

Photo courtesy of:

Women’s Tuxedo

I’m really excited about this one, especially because this trend works for an office working girl like me.  I wear trouser pants on the regular and to have them translate into an evening outfit works for me!  All I need to dress it up is afitted tuxedo jacket, using any one of my cami’s or a cute button down shirt.  I’m already sold on rocking a tie so I’m good with this one!  If I get bold enough, I might get an outfit like this red number from Tom Ford. (can we say FIERCE??!)

Plaid Skirt on Runway

Photo courtesy of


Unlike polka dots, I’ve been on the plaid trend before.  In middle school lumber jack shirts were so cool and I used to borrow them from my grandfather all the time.  Last winter, I bought this plaid tunic and it always stays in my wardrobe rotation.  This season though I may try getting a plaid  skirt like this one.  It’s a definite show stopper!

What about you?  What Fall Trends are you looking forward to?

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