Hair How-To: A Roller Set

Sometimes I find myself wanting to have some curls in my life but just don’t have the time (or the funds) to head over to the salon to get a nice roller set.  So after purchasing my own hood dryer, set of rollers, and plenty of practice on myself (and others!), I’ve come up with some tips on getting a great roller set in the comfort of my own home!

  • Drop the towel!  I have found that the wetter my hair is, the easier it is to work with and therefore it dries better once it is under the hair dryer.
  • Fun with Foam!  Apply a small palm full of wrapping lotion (Motions Wrapping Foam is awesome!) to your hair and comb through with a wide tooth comb.  It not only helps distribute the lotion throughout your hair but it also helps detangle your hair with ease.
  • Longer hair = Bigger Roller: For example, I use smaller rollers in the front of my head because it is shorter in the front.  The middle of my head has the longest hair, so I up the size of the roller.  Your hair should wrap around the roller no more than three times.  If it does, chances are the roller is too small.
  • Proper form!  With a section of hair in your fingers, stand it up and then roll it on down with the roller as tight as you can before securing it.
  • Keep it small!  Using my rattail comb, I part my hair in small sections, rolling up a small amount of hair.  If you roll up too much hair at one time, it may not curl properly.
  • Net it up:  Once my hair is rolled up, I wrap it up with a hair net to keep the rollers in place while drying.
  • Finish it up:  I give my hair a couple of sprays of oil sheen before sitting down under the hair dryer for about an hour.

Remember that practice makes perfect so keep trying and you’ll have it down in no time!

If there are any of you who do your own roller sets and have any other tips, please feel free to share!

More Hair-How To’s For You!

Tips on wearing a Drawstring Ponytail

Just Relax….your hair at home that is!

Get the Ballerina Bun that rocked the Ronson Show at Fashion Week


Photo courtesy of:

Fierce Interview: Tippi Shorter, Celebrity Hair Stylist

Hair advice is something that we ladies can never get tired of searching for and reading about!  Getting advice from a celeb stylist who makes sure their clients’ hair looks starworthy is like hitting a gold mine!  Well your girl is feeling really golden because I was able to personally talk with celebrity hair stylist Tippi Shorter!  Her hair creations has graced the covers and editorial pages of In Style and Vanity Fair.  She has also personally styled the likes of Alicia Keys, Rihanna, Jennifer Hudson, and Beyonce.  We got to talk about all things hair and just couldn’t wait to share our convo with you!


What has she learned being a hairstylist to the stars? 

Be prepared for anything!  She has to keep a kit that is just full of everything hair related, telling me that “you can never be too prepared.”  Case in point? 

“I recall working with Alicia Keys for Regis and Kelly I think.  We would normally have like two hours to prep.  She probably came in fifteen minutes before we went live.  I just had to think quick and give her a really great hair style in fifteen minutes.”

Her take on Hair Accessories:

 “I’m really big on accessories, “ she said and working with all types of women with different types of hair, those accessories have become something she learned to use with her clients.  These hair playthings include great headbands, faux bangs and clip on ponytails.  Her favorite type of accessories to work with?  Extensions, because “you can create anything.”

Favorite Celeb Hairstyle she has created.

Remember when Alicia Keys graced the red carpet this year at the American Music Awards?  She was wearing Tippi’s braided Mohawk which she created by started the French braid from the back of Alicia’s head to the front.

Celeb she would love to style

Tippi would love to style Diana Ross’s hair.  She told me she “would smooth it all down and give her something super sleek and beautiful.” ( I would love to see that!)

Hair products and Beauty tools:

Tippi’s must have beauty products include: a really good conditioner, hair serum, and hair pomade.  Her favorite beauty tools are a blow dryer and flat iron.  She suggests getting a flat iron that is about an inch wide because it allows you to straighten as well as curl your hair with it.

Hair breakage:

Tippi explained to me that the common problem of hair breakage can be caused by so many different things.  Some of these things include: poor styling, heating tools, chemicals, too much brushing, and poor nutrition (like not drinking enough water or taking in enough Vitamin E).  So how can you determine what’s causing your hair breakage?  She suggested you first find out how much your hair is breaking and then figure out what have you been doing to your hair lately.  A great piece of advice Tippi gave me on this was “Keep hair as moisturized and pliable as possible because when the hair gets dry and stiff it tends to break…a great conditioning treatment and mask is essential.”

Getting and keeping healthy hair

The three main things Tippi advised that you can do to keep your hair healthy is to get regular trims, find the right hair products that work for your hair type, and make sure what you do to your hair at home doesn’t cause your hair any undue stress.

New Hair Trends:

She has been getting a lot of requests from her clients for hair bobs “with a variation of length from like the nape of the neck down to maybe an inch past the shoulders.”  Ready to go full out with this trend?  Tippi suggests getting with your stylist and agree on a length that you are both comfortable with.  Your face shape, hair texture, and hair type play a big role in how your bob is cut and styled, so this isn’t something you want to DIY!  If you’re not ready to part with the length of your hair, Tippi gave a great tip on creating a faux bob, similar to the one our first lady, Michelle Obama wore.  You would start by putting your hair back into a ponytail, tucking it under, and securing it with bobby pins!

New Role as Global Stylist Advisor at Avon

She has joined the team over at Avon to help them in forecasting hairstyles and showing their customers how to easily get these styles at home.  She also talks about ways to use hair products and most recently helped with their Spring Trend report.

I had a wonderful time speaking with Ms. Shorter and give her a big Thank You for sharing this great info with me!

Photos courtesy of: Avon,,

Beauty Blast!: Optimum Oil Therepy 3-n-1 Creme Oil Moisturizer

Happy New Year everyone!

We ladies all want to start off 2010 with great hair and what better year to kick off the New Year than with raving about one of the latest hair products I added to my collection.  I was in the drugstore about a month ago, looking for a hair product that would keep my hair moisturized (especially my ends) and protect from heat ( I like to curl my ends with a curling iron).  As I scouted the shelves, I came across Optimum Oil Therapy 3-n-1 creme oil moisturizer from Soft Sheen Carson.  Reading the bottle, this daily hair dress promises to: Restore essential oils, prevent breakage, and protect against heat.  From the looks of it, it seemed like just the thing I was looking for!  So I picked it up and tried it out.

Before I knew it, I found myself using this 3-n-1 almost everyday.  I like using it at night before wrapping my hair up at night my satin scarf.  It leaves my hair soft and shiny in the morning.  I also use it right after shampooing and conditioning my hair to protect it from the heat of the hood dryer.  It has a pleasant smell and doesn’t leave my hair feeling heavy.  The hair cream itself is a little on the thick side so a little goes a long way! It also leaves your hair a bit greasy at first so brushing your hair to distribute the product evenly definitely helps out with that.

I am definitely pleased with this product and am eager to try out the other products in the Optimum Oil Therapy line!

Have any of your ladies tried this Creme Oil Moisturizer?  What do you think of it?

Check out what else I spoil my hair with!

Photo courtesy of: Soft Sheen Carson

FTC Disclosure: I personally bought the Oil Moisturizer for review and personal use.

The Great Hair Debate: Pressure to go Natural? Pressure to go Straight? What’s the deal?


I have noticed comments on many of the posts I covered on taking care of African American Hair that’s relaxed, that held very strong positions when it comes to keeping the hair natural or relaxing it.  I’ve seen comments from those who wear their hair natural saying that those of us who relax our hair are not embracing our hair or our heritage.  Others who relax their hair feel that what we do with our hair is our choice, not an indicator of how much we embrace our African American culture.  Both sides of the argument really got me thinking and before I ask what you’re take on this is, I’ll share my opinion.

I relax my hair and have done so since I was 20. Before, my natural hair was fine and wavy (all I needed was a hot comb and I was good!).  When I moved from up north to down south, I started relaxing my hair with a children’s relaxer.  Why do I relax it?  Because I want to! That’s it! It doesn’t go any deeper than that. For me, to keep my hair looking straight as it did up north, I relax it to combat the heat and humidity down here.   I’m not trying to conform to society’s standards of beauty (otherwise I’d be throwing up everyday to be a size 2!).  Do I know that relaxing your hair is a harsh process?  Absolutely and I do it as responsibly as I can.  Do I know my history in terms of what was considered “good hair.”  Yes I do ( I am a history buff in my other life!) With that said, I still relax my hair and do so because I like it.  Am I abandoning my heritage?  Absolutely not!  My hair doesn’t hold that much power over what I think about my culture– what’s under it does!

I don’t knock anyone who wears their hair natural. I actually want to know how they take care of their hair and rock those beautiful styles!  Natural hair is beautiful! And the same way I don’t knock them, I shouldn’t be knocked down because I chemically alter my hair.  Going natural at this point in my life just isn’t for me!  The status of my hair doesn’t determine my status of self awareness and self appreciation of the cultures I come from (afro Cuban and Irish).  Instead of separating ourselves, we need to come together to appreciate all of our beautiful differences, regardless of what’s going on with our hair!

So that’s my take on it.  Let’s open up the floor!  What do you guys think?  Is there pressure to go natural?  Do you feel society pressures you to wear your hair straight?  Or is your hair exactly that and not a measure of who you feel you are?


More on African American Hair:

Keep your hair beautiful! Tips on taking good care of that hair!

“Just for Me” is just for me! Why I use a children’s relaxer

An instant hair makeover with the drawstring ponytail!

Tips for Relaxing Your Hair at Home!

Photos courtesy of:, 

An Instant Hair Makeover! How to Rock a Drawstring Ponytail

It is so easy to fall into a hair rut.  I know I can sometimes get so bored with my hair, yet I don’t want to do anything so drastic that I may regret it later, like the time I decided to cut my hair real short.  Sure it was cute the first week, but after that I wanted my hair back!  To help shake things up a bit, I break out my ponytails!  I think they are a quick and easy way to rock a new do without doing something crazy to your real hair!  I also use them to give my hair a break from hot curling it.  I love using Shake-n-go Free Tress Drawstring ponytails.  They are super easy to put on and come in great styles!  Before I get into tips on how to wear one, I just want to say that these are great to wear occasionally!  Wearing them over long periods of time can put undue stress on your hair and may cause breakage.

 Know your colors!

When it comes to using synthetic or human hair in any form, you want to make sure it comes as close to your natural hair color as possible.  With the brand I use, color is denoted by numbers, 1 being absolute black and 144 being absolute blond.  There are also numbers for hair that has a base color with accompanying highlights.  This color chart is super helpful in determining what color is right for you.

Be adventurous!

This is time to have fun!  There are short ponytails, crazy long ponytails, curly, straight, and everything in between!  Step out of your element and experiment!  If you don’t like it, you can always take it off!

Not too tight!

Before you put in your new ponytail, your hair of course has to be slicked back in its own ponytail, wrapping the ends in a bun.  Make sure its tight enough to hold all of your hair but not so tight you get a headache!  The object is to look cute not be in pain!  To help keep your hair in place, I recommend using a light gel (like Isoplus Conditioning Hair Gel). Remember that your hair doesn’t have to be all back.  Rocking a bang can be just as hot!

Application basics

With a drawstring ponytail, the top comb of the ponytail goes on the top of your ponytail and the bottom one goes….you guessed it…on the bottom!  Then take the drawstring and pull it until the pony tail is secure.  To make sure that no one sees that drawstring, pin it up under your ponytail with a clip or bobby pin.  I also use bobby pins to give my ponytail extra hold (I can get paranoid sometimes!)


Pony Maintenance

Once you strutted your stuff in your ponytail, it’s good to let that pony air out over night.  After its had a chance to breath, wrap it up in the same netting it came in and either store it back in the package or use a gallon zip lock bag.  A ponytail can get frizzy over time, so you can brush it, comb it and tame fly-aways with a little gel or oil sheen.

Some Extra Tips for you

I find that curly ponytails are ultra cute but can get messy easily, so I try not to wear them too often and take extra care of them.  Combing and brushing these types can cause more harm than good!  Also, make sure you real hair is neat and held in place.  There is nothing worse to have a cute ponytail in the back and messy hair in the front!  Also, as I mentioned in the beginning, please don’t use these too often.  Your pony and your  hair need a rest!


To check out what I’m rocking in these photos as well as more styles from this brand, go to:

Be beautiful ladies!

Photos courtesy of: Shake N Go Hair Fashion

And the hair care don’t stop!

Just for Me isn’t Just for Kids!  Why I like a children’s relaxer

 Love your hair ladies with these tips on taking care of African-American hair

 My favorite hair-care products

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