“Just for Me” isn’t Just for Kids! Why I Like Using a Children’s Relaxer

We ladies know that relaxing our hair is a very harsh process that our hair undergoes.  We are chemically altering our hair every time we get a touch up so taking care of our relaxed tresses is of the upmost importance!

If you didn’t know already, I relax my hair at home as a result of a few bad experiences with some hair dressers.  The major problem I had was that the adult relaxer that they used on my hair was just too strong. My hair is very fine in texture and it doesn’t take much to get it straight.  So the safest bet for me is a children’s relaxer.

I want to treat my hair with “kid gloves” and I always use a child’s relaxer.  The brand I use is “Just for me” by PCJ and the biggest reason I do is because it comes with a pre-treatment conditioner. This light and quick drying product goes on your hair before you start the relaxer process.  It works as a layer of protection  on your hair so it doesn’t’ get over processed (which is a risk you take especially when you relax your hair at home!). The neutralizing shampoo has a color indicator – which means that if there is still relaxer cream in your hair, the suds will be pink.   It helps me a lot in making sure I have rinsed all of that cream out.  I also find it much gentler on my hair than most adult relaxers (and I’ve tried a bunch!) and I even still wait as long as possible in between touch ups.

Let’s Dish! So what relaxer do you use?  Would you consider using a children’s relaxer?

Photos courtesy of: amazon.com, lusterproducts.com

 More Care for a Sista’s Hair!

 Tips on taking care of your African American hair

 My Fav Hair Care Products

Relax your hair at home? Check out these helpful tips!

Love your Hair! My Favorite Hair Care Products

SuperStock_1491R-151014If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you know that I can be bit of hair fanatic, especially when it comes to taking care of it!  We ladies are very prone to over-processing and over-styling our hair (myself included!) and it’s always good talk about what hair products work in keeping our hair healthy and beautiful.  These are my favorite hair products that I buy and  use religiously in my hair care regimen!

Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise

black beauty and hair com

I have been using this deep conditioner for the past three months and I cannot rave enough about it!  It leaves my hair so soft and with lots of shine. It also has reduced the breakage that I was experiencing before.  I use it religiously every week and recommend it to anyone trying to repair their hair.


Motion’s Products: Lavish Conditioning Shampoo, Leave in Conditioner, Foam Wrapping Lotion, and Oil Sheen

motionshair com

No, I don’t work for Motions but if I could and get this stuff all the time for free I would!  The shampoo leaves my hair soft from the first lather which is refreshing because many other shampoos can leave your hair feeling like straw before you condition.  The leave-in conditioner is awesome, especially during the summer when I rock the beach hair look.  The Foam wrapping lotion doesn’t flake and doesn’t leave my hair sticky like some others can.  I use their Oil Sheen everyday to finish off my hair and keep it moisturized throughout the day.


Just for Me Hair Relaxer Home Kit

amazon com

I’m not 12 but Just for Me isn’t just for kids!  I use this kit on my hair that I do myself at home about every 12 weeks.  This is the least harsh relaxer I could find that gives me the same results as an adult relaxer kit would.  (PS: I do plan on doing a whole blog dedicated to the pros of using a child relaxer kit)


Doo Gro Mega Thick Hair Dress

doo groo com

If you checked out my previous blog post where I talked about hair products for your scalp, you know that this definitely had to make the list.  I have been using this on my scalp once a week for the past three months and it is helping my hair come back fuller and healthier.


Isoplus Hair Gel

isoplus com

This is my absolute favorite hair gel and I’ve used it for years.  Not only does it work as conditioner, it goes on light and doesn’t make my hair feel so weighed down like some other hair gels do.  It also gives your hair great hold and is my favorite product to use to get my “beach hair” during the summer!




So let’s dish ladies!  What products do you use that have your hair looking good?

Photos courtesy of:  superstock.com, amazon.com, isoplus.com, doogro.com, motionshair.com, blackbeautyandhair.com

Keep Your Hair Beautiful! Tips on How to Take Care of Your African American Hair.

dherbs.comThere are many tips out there on how to have beautiful and healthy hair. Though such advice is great and prove to be very useful, I find it hard to get information specifically geared to caring for my African American hair.  Our hair is very unique, coming in all types of lengths and textures.  Our hair is also very prone to being over-stressed, over-styled and over processed.  Therefore, we need help to keep, maintain, or even restore our strong and healthy hair.  After taking care of my hair for years, (with a lot of bumps and hard lessons along the way), these are tips and advice that I picked up along the way.

  •  Weekly Washing! – Because our hair has a natural tendency to be dry, you should only wash your hair once a week (two at most).  We want to keep the moisture in, not let it out everyday!
  • Conditioner is Your Best Friend – I cannot stress this enough (and this goes double for those of us who relax our hair).  Conditioning our hair and restoring its moisture is so important. Make sure you make it a point to get products that have pack a lot of conditioning power.  You can use moisturizing shampoos along with conditioner (such as Motion’s conditioning shampoo that I use religiously) or deep conditioners that require sitting under a hood dryer for 10 to 15 minutes. I’ve been using Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayo to help strengthen and soften my hair and it works wonders!

 Want a look at what my hair looks like?  Check out my Sephora makeup session.

  •  Easy with the Products – Because we only wash our hair once to twice a week, we need to be careful not to overload our hair with too many products.  Petroleum based products can clog hair pores, attract more dirt, and leave hair heavy and greasy if used in excess.photos.essence.com
  • Maintain that scalp! – Otherwise known as “greasing” your scalp, keeping the scalp moisturized is essential in keeping our hair from drying out. Keeping the previous tip in mind, once a week I apply my hairdress of choice right after I wash and dry my hair using just enough to cover the scalp.  To make sure the rest of the hair doesn’t get left out, I comb my hair afterwards, which distributes the product to the rest of my hair.

 Check out these products that I love to use on my scalp.

  • Don’t Relax Too Often! – For those who relax our hair regularly, we know that putting our hair through this chemical process further weakens, damages, and dries our already fragile hair. So to help minimize the damage, wait in between touch ups. The normal time is 6 to 8 weeks, but if you can hold out a little bit longer please do (I usually touch-up my hair every 12 weeks). Also, if you relax your hair at home, only touch up the roots.

 Check out these tips for relaxing your hair at home.lifestyle.msn.com

Beat the Heat!  – Try not to flat iron or hot curl your hair too often.  Our hair is weak enough as it is and too much heat creates more damage.  Want your hair to be straight all the time?  Try wrapping your hair, whether it’s a wet wrap and wrapping your hair up at night in a silk scarf before bed. Want bouncy curls?  Try a roller set.   

  • Relax First, Color Later – If you are contemplating coloring or highlighting your relaxed tresses, I suggest you relax your hair first and wait a few weeks before attempting to color it.  Just remember, you’re putting your hair through two very different but equally strong chemical processes.  With that in mind, if you decide to it , it’s even more important to deep condition, use heat styling tools in moderation, and wait in between touch ups.

What do you do keep your hair looking beautiful? What tips do you have when it comes to taking care of our hair?

 Be Beautiful Ladies!

Photos Courtesy of: dherbs.com, photos.essence.com, lifestyle.msn.com

Relax at Home! Tips for Relaxing Your Hair at Home

tips for relaxerWe all know the recession is hitting us pretty hard and that does not exclude us ladies who are used to hitting up the salon to get our relaxers and touch ups every 4 to 6 weeks.  Nowadays, those trips to get our “hair did” can add up so if have been considering going the DIY route, here are some tips to get you through!

Before I get into the tips, let me just give a little hair info about myself.  I have been relaxing my own hair at home for about 3 to 4 years now.  I had a bad experience at a salon and just decided that if I wanted it done right, I would at least try to do myself!

So, without further a-due, here we go!

  • Read!please, please, please, read all the instructions that come with the relaxer kit you purchased.
  • Get Greased Up! – make sure that scalp is protected by greasing it first ( I like Bergamont or Blue Magic).  This will help protect it through the harsh relaxing process.  It will also give you practice parting your hair and finding your scalp even when you can’t see it.
  • Four! – part your hair in fours and apply the relaxing cream section by section. I also suggest smoothing once you have applied relaxer in that section, just in case you don’t have time to go back and smooth your hair out later.
  • Rinse! Rinse! Rinse! – when its time to get that relaxer out, rinse really, really well!  I usually rinse for about 4 to 5 minutes.  The more I get out initially, the less shampooing I have to do later.
  • Check your hands! – while shampooing, (especially if you’re using a color indicating neutralizing shampoo) I check out the suds on my hands to see if they are still white.  If it’s not, rinse, lather, and try again!
  • Relax with a friend! – If you are not that confident to go at this alone, recruit a friend or a family member to be your extra set of eyes and/or hands if need be!

If there are any other DIY relaxer ladies out there with more tips, please share!


Be beautiful ladies!


Photos courtesy of http://www.sallybeauty.com

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