Fierce Natural Hair: The Faux Hawk

natural hair faux hawk

One of the awesome things I can do since going back to my natural hair is trying out styles that I simply couldn’t do before!  I feel like a product junkie in Sephora, wanting to try everything and the faux hawk is no different.  My hair is finally long enough to really give it a go (thank you pregnancy hormones!) and as I scoured the web for ideas, I was really happy to see there is more than one way to get your hawk on!  Achieving the basic look is super easy:

  1. Spritz the sides of your hair above and behind your ears with water or your favorite leave in.
  2. Apply a gel, like Shea Moisture’s Curling Souflee, and slick the sides up to the desired height of the faux hawk.  Sometimes I use a brush to help me but your hands can work just as well.
  3. Secure with clips and bobby pins and fluff up the top

No matter how you do it though, it automatically gives you a sassy kinda of swag that begs for ridiculously big earrings, a leather jacket, and something studded.  You can’t help but feel like a rock star!  Here’s some more inspiration for ya!

natural hair faux hawk

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natural hair faux hawk

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natural hair faux hawk

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natural hair faux hawk

Photo courtesy of: mohawk-kink-o-logy

natural hair faux hawk

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Beauty Blast: The Cantu for Natural Hair Collection

Natural hair officially became a big beauty trend in 2012 and it’s so exciting to see many of the brands I know and love creating products just for us curly girls.  Today I get to tell you all about Cantu Shea Butter’s new line of hair products that cater to this trend. Way back when I first started transitioning back to my natural curls, I started using their Leave In Conditioner after every wash.  Since then it’s been a staple in my hair care routine so I was excited to have the opportunity to try these other products.  What they all have in common are natural ingredients like oils, vitamins, and butters and leaving out harmful ones like mineral oils, sulfates, and parabens.  I’ve been using these products for over a month now and my feeling of the collection is half and half.  There were  products I liked and used every day while there were others that I could do without.

The Top Three

Cantu Shea Butter

Deep Treatment Masque

This deep conditioner is formulated to treat dry and damaged hair, giving back the moisture it needs.  You can use it as a traditional deep conditioner (leaving it on hair for 30 minutes and rinsing it out) or as a leave in if you have really dry hair.  As a deep conditioner, it left my hair soft and helped my curls clump together nicely for my wash and goes.  However, since my hair is suffering from serious post partum shedding, I use it as a leave in.  I find that gives my hair more moisture and softness that way.

Coconut Curling Cream

I replaced my normal styling cream with this one, which is supposed to leave hair soft and manageable while giving curls definition.  The cream is thick but not too thick that it makes it hard to distribute through hair.  It also has a light scent of coconut which left my hair smelling good.  I liked using this when sporting a wash and go, giving my hair moisture and defining my curls rather well.  When doing my braid outs (which I’ve been doing a lot lately because of the bad shedding), I used the cream to freshen up my hair when it got really dry.

Creamy Hair Lotion

The light styling cream aims to soften, moisturize, and detangle curls.  Because it’s so light, it’s great to use every day.  I put it on first thing in the morning when I take my hair down to moisturize my hair and make fluffing it out easier.  I wouldn’t recommend using it at night before sleep because the moisture doesn’t last long.  For that, you’re better off using the curling cream.

The Bottom Three

Cantu Shea ButterCoconut Hold and Shine Mist

I was kind of excited about this one, because there are days my hair just needs a spritz of product and up until I received this, I had been mixing up my own.  This product promises to deliver moisture and shine while eliminating frizz.  I wish the bottle had more of a spray bottle type of nozzle instead of the narrow one it has because it makes distributing the mist a hassle.  What ended up happening was I had to spray and then use my hand to work it through my curls.  I had to use more product and as a result, it left my hair rather sticky.  What I may do is transfer some of it to my homemade bottle and dilute it with some water to see if that helps.

Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream

This is my opinion was meant to be a cross between the Curling Lotion and the Deep Treatment Masque, serving as a light leave in conditioner.  I didn’t find it light at all, but rather heavy on my hair leaving it feeling too greasy for my taste.

Moisturizing Twist and Lock Gel

Made especially for those who have locks or wear twists, it’s supposed to give the moisture and shine while giving your hair the hold it needs to maintain its style.  I was shocked to see that the product looks and feels more like a cream than a gel.  I used it for a chunky twist out and found that while it gave my hair moisture, it didn’t give me the shine and hold that my other gel products do.

natural hair

My hair after using Cantu’s Products

You can check out these products for yourself at your local Walgreens or Wal-Mart.  All of these products retail for $6.99, which isn’t bad at all!  I’ve been using my top three everyday for over a month and I still have a ways to go before I finish them.

Have you used this line? What did you think?


FTC Disclosure:  Products mentioned in this review were received as free samples.


Fierce Hair How To: A Big (and Fabulous!) Natural Hair Style

natural hair

Ever since I stopped relaxing my hair 2 1/2 years ago, my goal was to grow my hair out as long and as big as possible.  After a little experimentation, I finally have the big, fluffy hair I’ve always wanted (*doing my happy dance!).  I love the fact that I can easily dress it up when I need to with nothing but a fancy scarf and super big earrings (and ya’ll know how I feel about earrings!)

This look is super easy to do and maintain, so I just had to share!  Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A leave in conditioner, like the Boosting Shine Leave in from Dr. Miracle’s Curl Care Line
  • Moisturizing Oil (using good old Olive Oil will do the trick!)
  • Heat Protectant, like Cantu Shea Butter’s Oil Sheen Spray
  • Hair Cream, like Motion’s Define My Curl’s Creme
  • A blow dryer
  • 3 hair ties
  • Satin Bonnet

All right ladies, here we go!

  1. Start with freshly washed and conditioned hair.  Towel dry it really well to get rid of all the excess water.
  2. Apply your leave in conditioner, moisturizing oil, and heat protectant.  No need to lay everything on really thick, just enough to cover your hair and keep it moisturized before drying.
  3. Divide your hair into four sections using your hair ties.
  4. Using medium heat, blow dry each section. The goal isn”t to get your curls bone straight, just as stretched and fluffy as possible.
  5. Now that our hair is dry, we need to give it a little definition! Section you hair again (medium sections this time ) and apply your hair cream. Then braid it up and when your done, throw on your satin bonnet.
  6. In the morning, unbraid each section and apply that hair cream again. Separate out those nice waves you have, fluff and go!
  7. For maintenance, repeat step 5 each night before bed. Doing that helped me maintain this hair for a week.

Your girl is loving this hair and I will be rocking it for awhile!


Fierce Natural Hair: My Hair Routine


relaxed vs natural hair

It’s been 2 years and 2 month since my last relaxer and this journey back to my curls has been a real interesting one!  I’ve learned quite a lot and went through a gazillion products to find out what works for me and what doesn’t.  One major thing I learned through all of it is everything is not for everyone.  You have to do what works for you and your unique head of hair.  With much trial and error I’ve finally found a routine that works and I can finally share it with you guys!

First, a little bit about my hair.  It has about three different textures going on (took me awhile to come to terms with that!) and overall my hair is fine. The back is thick and is the softest, feeling like a nice cotton ball.  The curls are super tight so the length is very misleading.  The crown area is the finest and the curls are very loose.  It frizzes the quickest so I always have to add extra product to hold it together.  The front and the sides are a mix between the two.  The curls can stay coily as long s I don’t pull it back too much. Otherwise it stretches out until it’s almost straight and looks crazy compared to the rest of my hair.  What I like the most about this part of my hair is I can go curly or go straight very easily, unlike the back which is very stubborn when it comes to straightening.

Okay, here’s my hair care breakdown:

1.  Washing/Conditioning:  I wash my hair with shampoo once a week.  Any more than that and it’s a dry mess!  My favorite shampoo is Shea Moisture’s Moisture Retention Shampoo.  The sulfate-free shampoo leaves my hair clean and soft without stripping it of it’s natural oils.  Mid week (or whenever my hair is looking kinda tired) I wash with conditioner only to refreshen them up and detangle my hair.  I only comb my hair with tons of conditioner in it, otherwise it’s breakage city!  My favorite conditioners are Aussie Moist and Hello Hydration from Herbal Essence.  Love that stuff!

My hair after it’s freshly washed with my styling products.

2.  Styling Products:  No matter how I style my hair I always follow these four steps.  After drying my hair with an old T-shirt (they are most gentler than a towel) I apply a leave in conditioner.  The one by Cantu is my favorite and I’ve been using it for over a year.  Then I follow up with a moisturizing product, Shea Moisture’s Curling Smoothie.  It’s heavy enough to keep my hair moisturized but light enough not to way my hair down, especially in the front.  To keep the moisture in, I go old school with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  A lot of girls with natural hair love using shea butter but I found it was way to heavy for my hair.  Final step is applying Shea Moisture’s Curling Souffle, which acts like a hair gel to hold my curls in place while they dry.  And oh, after each step, I give my hair a little shake to keep my curls loose.

3.  My Go To Styles:  Out of the millions of styles I’ve tried over the years I’ve found three that work the best for my hair:

Natural Hair
Wash and Go: After I finish applying my styling products, I just leave my hair alone and let it dry.  On the first day, my hair always looks the shortest, which I’m not crazy about but I deal.  Once it’s dry, I put my hair up in little ponytails and cover it with a satin cap overnight which helps stretch my curls and get my hair bigger, just like I like it!  I’ve been wearing this style a lot lately not only because it’s easy but my grows the best when I just leave it alone.

Natural Hair

High Puff:  When my wash and go hair is starting to look a little tired or I want to switch things up, I slick my hair up using water and the Curling Souffle and tie it up with an old headband that I cut so I can tie it.  I sometimes add in a hair accessory to have some fun.

Flat Twists

Two Side Twists:  This is my husband’s favorite hair style so I make sure I put this one in rotation a few times a year. After washing my hair and putting in my normal round of products, I part my hair down the middle and do two flat twists on each side.  Because my hair in the middle frizzes up so easy, I end up redoing the twists every two days to keep them looking neat.


Other popular natural hair styles like twists, twist out, braid out, etc. just don’t work on my hair.  Because my hair is so fine it looks very piecey and stringy and never looks right.  So I gave up on those and just goes with what works!


Is your hair naturally curly?  What is your hair care routine?




Crazy About Hair Scarves

It’s really no surprise how much I love rocking head scarves!  Ever since I started rocking my curls, this accessory has saved me from many bad hair days as well as taken my curly fros up a notch.   They are so easy to incorporate into your wardrobe and it’s amazing how a piece of cloth can exude so much personality!  You can’t help but feel a little sassy!

Crazy about hair scarves

 Photo sources from left to right: 1 ,2 ,3 , 4 ,5 ,6

Another thing that I love about scarves is how affordable and accessible they can be. My favorite ones have been bought for a few dollars at Goodwill. I’ve borrowed from my mom and grandmother, who kept all of their fancy scarves that they used to wear back in the day.  Pieces of fabric, your boyfriend’s tie, or even a fabric belt from an old dress can make the perfect hair tie!

Do you wear hair scarves?  What’s your favorite way to wear one?




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