Fierce Video: The Frizz-Free Revolution Tour Miami

Remember when I told you ladies about the Frizz-Free Revolution Tour that was stopping in Miami last Saturday?  Well I hope you South Florida ladies had a chance to stop by and try out Lotus Shield first hand as well as get a chance to chat with Tippi Shorter.  I made the trip to Dadeland Mall and had an absolute blast!  Tippi Shorter and her team were so much fun and I almost forgot we were sitting in a mobile salon in the middle of the mall parking lot!  !

Here’s the video of my Lotus Shield blow out (courtesy of Marcus, who did an awesome job!) and my chat with Tippi Shorter about Lotus shield.  You can see the final product in the picture below and make sure you check out my review of Lotus Shield on Fierce!

(btw:  This is my first official blog video so bear with your girl! And a special thanks to my mom and sis for being my camera crew! LOL)

The End Result:


A HUGE thank you to Tippi for taking time out to talk with me!

More on Fierce

Beauty Blast: Speed Dry+ Nail Enamel Nail Polish

Beauty Guru Assignment: My Summer Beauty Happiness in a Tube!

Fierce Fashion: GeboMana T-Shirts (And a Giveaway!)

Fierce Beauty News: The Frizz-Free Revolution Tour from Avon and Cosmo!

The battle against the frizzies is a never-ending battle and in the dead of summer, the battle can get extra vicious!  Well what if you can get a chance to test out a hair product that promises to protect hair, even in 97% humidity?  Or even better, the chance to get your hair blown out by a celebrity stylist??

Sound sweet huh??

Then mark you calendars and get ready for the Frizz-Free Revolution Tour brought to you by Avon and Cosmo!  Here Avon will be showing off their new Advance Techniques Lotus Shield, an anti-frizz treatment that forms a protective barrier around your tresses to keep the humdity out.  At the event you get to score a sample of Lotus Shield, meet celeb stylist Tippi Shorter, and some lucky girls can get a complimentary Lotus Shield blow out!

The tour hits Miami this Saturday, July 24 at The Dadeland Mall (located at 7535 Dadeland Mall–in front of Limited Express mall entrance) from 11am to 9pm.  So if you live in the South Florida area, come check it out! 

Photo courtesy of: Avon

An Easy Summer Hairstyle: Scrunched Hair

Ladies I don’t have to tell you that the summer has arrived.  The rising temperatures, unbearable humidity, and summer showers are not hair friendly.  I know for me, this is definitely the time of year where I am less inclined to sit under a hot hair dryer for an hour getting my hair straightened just so it can frizz out when I step out the door!   So my go to hairstyle for the summer is scrunched hair.  Not only is it fuss free (don’t have to worry about the humidity getting to it!) , its super easy to do, giving you more time for summer fun!

  1. While my hair is still wet after washing, I spray in some leave in conditioner (check out this new one I’m using!).
  2. Then I put on some hair moisturizer (I like Optimum Oil Therapy’s 3 n 1) to give my hair that shine when it dries.
  3. Using only a small amount of volumizing mousse (I use the one from Advance Techniques) in the palm of my hands, I apply it by taking pieces of my hair and scrunching it.  It’s just like gently squeezing your hair like you would a piece of fruit.  The mouse helps keep your hair curly after it dries
  4. I throw on a cute headband (like this one) and when my hair dries,  I have cute natural curls!  (now that was simple, wasn’t it?)


My Husband and I at Disney's Magic Kingdom

Let’s talk ladies! What is your summer go-to hairstyle?


Photo courtesy of:

Shine Beauty Guru Assignment: Big Beauty Transformation in Under 5 Minutes!

I love trying out new things, especially when it comes to hair and my Shine Beauty Beauty Guru assignment for this month has given me the perfect excuse to do so!  Though I like to be hair adventurous, I have to be careful of what I do to it as to not cause any serious damage to it that I might regret later!  So, how can I get a great hair transformation without doing my hair a major injustice?

Clip in Bangs!

My best friend hooked me up with clip in bangs from Jessica Simpson’s hair extenstion line about a month ago and this was the perfect oppoturnity to give it a whirl!  I can get a great look without doing anything to my real hair.  What’s better, is that I can do it at home and it would take no time at all!

Step 1:

This is my hair before. I usually wear it parted to the side with a little sideswept bang action going on.  I have cut my bangs before and sometimes it was pain because when I didn’t want them anymore, I had to wait months for it to grow out.

Step 2:

Per the instructions on the pack, I parted my hair in the middle and pushed it back behind my ears.  I took it a step further and pulled my hair all the way back into a mini french roll in the back.  I did this because the ends of my real hair and the ends of the bangs don’t match up and I want to look as natural as possible.

Step 3:

A quick stick and click of the mini combs  on th bang into my hair and voila!  My faux bangs are in and secured!  I love the look and the easiness of the bangs.  I love how it frames my face and it looks really natural.  My husband and friends love it and tell me it makes me look really different but in a totally good way!

 I was able to pull off a  completely different look in under 5 minutes! The Beauty Transformation was a success!!

Check out another hair makeover that you can do in a snap!

Photo courtesy of:

Fierce Question: What are your Summer Essentials?

Memorial Day weekend is coming up quick and it’s the official way to bring in the summer!  As the weather gets hotter and the sun gets stronger, I break out my beauty and fashion summer stuff that will get me through the summer in one fashionable and beautiful piece! 

Here are my summer must-haves:

Banana Boat Sunscreen Lotion

Contrary to what you may think, we ladies with dark skin are just as prone to sun burn as the next girl and a few summers ago, I learned the hard way!  Peeling skin is not a good look so I make sure I have my sunscreen lotion on, especially when I’m laying out on the beach!

Old Navy Flip Flops

Yes I was one of those people  at Old Navy at the crack of dawn last Saturday for their $1 flip flop sale!  I own at least 7 pairs so far and there are colors that I’m still missing! I love matching my flip flops with my gazillion tank tops, cover-ups, and of course, my bathing suit.  Keeps my feet looking cute and allowing them to breathe at the same time!

Motions Leave-In Conditioner

I love to swim and don’t like to wear hats so keeping my hair from getting fried is important.  The Motions leave-in is my conditioner go-to (although I’m growing to love the Luster Tonic I just added to my collection).  Both protect my hair from the sun, salt water, and chlorine and all it takes is a few sprays on my wet hair!

Mary Kay Tinted Moisturizer

I definitely needed to switch up using my regular foundation because it can just feel too heavy to wear when it’s roasting outside.  I like this one because not only is it a tinted moisturizer, it also has SPF 20, which helps keep my face from frying.  It also gives me some color (though not the same kind of coverage my foundation does, so if you ladies know of a better one, please let me know!)

My Sunglasses

These are absolute necessity for me, especially when driving and going to the beach.  Not only do they protect my eyes, they sometimes double as a headband while indoors!  I rock both my DG look-alikes (can’t afford the real ones!) and a pair I scored in NYC a few years ago! Both are super cute and serve their purpose!

Your turn!  What are you beauty and fashion must-haves for summer?

More products that have been good to me!

My New Hair BFF: scunci Flexible Scarfband

Just for Me Hair Milk Conditioner

Photos courtesy of:,,

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